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Deploy to Windows VM


The Deploy to Windows VM pipeline automates the deployment of a .NET application on a Windows VM. It starts with the build process, including package restoration and Release configuration build. The script then has steps to runs security scans and test cases. Following this, the application is published. The script checks for the existence of an IIS node, creates one if needed, and establishes a binding. Finally, it deploys the application to IIS, ensuring a seamless deployment process on the Windows VM.

Input Variables

Input Variable NameDescriptionDefault ValuesTypeSupported Values
pipeline_number_prefixPrefix for the pipeline number.1.0string
gl_package_usernameGitLab package username for authentication.myGitLabUserstring
gl_package_pathPath to the GitLab package repository.
gl_package_tokenGitLab package token for authentication.myGitLabTokenstring