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Deploy to AKS (.NET Core) - Tyk


The Deploy to AKS (.NET Core) - Tyk template automates the deployment of a Tyk API Gateway alongside .NET Core applications on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). The script builds Docker images for each .NET Core project, pushes them to Azure Container Registry, and performs code scanning using SonarQube. It configures DNS records, deploys applications with Kubernetes manifests, and sets up Tyk API Gateway through a Bash script, making API requests to Tyk's platform. The template provides a comprehensive solution, integrating containerization, Azure services, code scanning, and Tyk API Gateway configuration for efficient deployment.

Input Variables

Input Variable NameDescriptionDefault ValuesTypeSupported Values
pipeline_number_prefixPrefix for the pipeline number.1.0string
gl_package_tokenGitLab package token for authentication.myGitLabTokenstring
gl_package_usernameGitLab package username for authentication.myGitLabUserstring
gl_package_pathPath to the GitLab package repository.
tyk_extendedpathslist of extended paths for the Tyk API{"hard_timeouts":[{"disabled":false,"path":"/getcall/","method":"GET","timeout":60}],"do_not_track_endpoints":[{"path":"/getcall/","method":"GET"}]}list
tyk_check_listlist of items to check[{"body":"","headers":{},"method":"GET","url":"https://appurl/healthcheck"}]list
tyk_global_rate_limit_perGlobal rate limit per value for Tyk API0number
tyk_global_rate_limit_rateGlobal rate limit rate for Tyk API0number
tyk_enable_ip_whitelistingEnable IP whitelisting for Tyk APIfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_listen_pathlisten path for Tyk API/app-namestring
tyk_enable_load_balancingEnable load balancing for Tyk APItruebooltrue, false
tyk_strip_listen_pathStrip the listen path for Tyk APItruebooltrue, false
tyk_preserve_host_headerPreserve the host header in requestsfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_target_listlist of target endpoints for Tyk API[https://appurl]list
tyk_cors_options_passthroughEnable CORS options passthrough for Tyk APIfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_cors_allow_credentialsAllow credentials in CORS requestsfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_cors_max_ageMaximum age for CORS requests0number
tyk_cors_enableEnable CORS for Tyk APIfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_cors_allowed_methodslist of allowed HTTP methods in CORS requests[GET;POST;PUT;PATCH;DELETE]list
tyk_cors_exposed_headerslist of headers exposed in CORS responses[]list
tyk_cors_allowed_headerslist of allowed headers in CORS requests[Origin;Accept;Content-Type;X-Requested-With;Authorization]list
tyk_cors_allowed_originslist of allowed CORS origins[*]list
tyk_enable_ip_blacklistingEnable IP blacklisting for Tyk APIfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_cache_options_enable_upstream_cache_controlEnable upstream cache controlfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_cache_options_cache_all_safe_requestsCache all safe requestsfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_cache_options_enable_cacheEnable caching for Tyk APIfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_cache_options_cache_timeoutCache timeout for Tyk API0number
tyk_disable_rate_limitDisable rate limiting for Tyk APItruebooltrue, false
tyk_disable_quotaDisable quotas for Tyk APItruebooltrue, false
tyk_use_keylessUse keyless authentication for Tyk APItruebooltrue, false
tyk_check_host_against_uptime_testsCheck the host against uptime testsfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_internalSet Tyk API as internalfalsebooltrue, false
tyk_enable_detailed_recordingEnable detailed request recordingtruebooltrue, false
tyk_enable_context_varsEnable context variables for Tyk APItruebooltrue, false
tyk_protocolProtocol used for Tyk API-string
tyk_listen_portlisten port for Tyk API0number
tyk_api_nameName of the Tyk APImy-tyk-apistring
acr_repo_nameName of the Azure Container Registry.myacrstring
app_nameName of the application.myapplicationstring
kube_manifest_nameName of the kubernetes manifest file.mykubernetesmanifeststring