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Deploy to AKS


The Deploy to AKS pipeline automates the deployment of a containerized application to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It starts by building and pushing a Docker image to Azure Container Registry (ACR). The script then logs into Azure, configures DNS settings, and sets an A record. After logging into the AKS cluster and creating the necessary namespace, it generates a Kubernetes deployment manifest with scaling details. TLS certificates are loaded, and a Kubernetes Secret is created for secure communication. Finally, the script configures Ingress with Azure Application Gateway annotations, applying all configurations to the AKS namespace.

Input Variables

Input Variable NameDescriptionDefault ValuesTypeSupported Values
pipeline_number_prefixPrefix for the pipeline number.1.0string
gl_package_tokenGitLab package token for authentication.myGitLabTokenstring
gl_package_usernameGitLab package username for authentication.myGitLabUserstring
gl_package_pathPath to the GitLab package repository.
kube_manifest_nameName of the kubernetes manifest file.mykubernetesmanifeststring
acr_repo_nameName of the Azure Container Registry.myacrstring
app_nameName of the application.myapplicationstring