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Deploy to AKS (.NET Core)


The Deploy to AKS (.NET Core) pipeline automates the deployment of .NET Core applications to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It builds Docker images for identified projects, pushes them to Azure Container Registry, and performs code scanning and SonarQube integration. The script configures Azure DNS, sets A records, and deploys applications to AKS,. Additionally, it supports code coverage analysis and integrates seamlessly with Azure services, streamlining the end-to-end deployment process for .NET Core applications on AKS.

Input Variables

Input Variable NameDescriptionDefault ValuesTypeSupported Values
pipeline_number_prefixPrefix for the pipeline number.1.0string
gl_package_usernameGitLab package username for authentication.myGitLabUserstring
gl_package_pathPath to the GitLab package repository.
gl_package_tokenGitLab package token for authentication.myGitLabTokenstring
acr_repo_nameName of the Azure Container Registry.myacrstring
app_nameName of the application.myapplicationstring
kube_manifest_nameName of the kubernetes manifest file.mykubernetesmanifeststring